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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In The Memory of Caylee

What this day should be about, was finding Justice for Caylee! My heart aches for that poor little girl whose life was cut short by a mother who chose partying over her daughter. A little girl who would just now be getting ready for kindergarten. A little girl who had a smile that lit up a room. A little girl who was so dearly loved by her grandparents, uncle and family. A little girl who was innocent and trusted her mother unfortunately. A little girl who did NOT deserve to be taken from this world at all, and especially in the horrendous and disposing way that occurred.

While I watched with anticipation once I heard the jury reached a Verdict; I was on the edge of my seat. I was praying that justice would prevail. I was hoping for a guilty verdict. While alot of analysts also felt that the prosecution proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey was not only a liar, but a murderer; I had belief in our Justice System.

As a person of these United States, we must rely on our judicial system. I am having a hard time doing so today, the day Casey was found not guilty. When the court madam read the first verdict of not guilty, I said to myself "ok, she will be found guilty of the next". I felt anger sitting in front of the tv. Then, the 2nd count was not guilty and I was in disbelief. The 3rd and last count was read and I felt sick to my stomach. Casey cried and sobbed NOW, after she didn't do so when her precious little girl was missing and then confirmed dead. Where were the tears then Casey? America cried them for Caylee!

Casey's parents George and Cindy, abruptly arose from their seats and left the courtroom without any expression. No celebration for Casey, the daughter that made allegations against her own father who would have traded places in jail for her if he could. Her own mother lied and committed perjury on the stand to try and prove she made some of the searches on the computer even though it was shown she could not have. Then, there's Krystal H. or "River Cruz", who also proved she committed perjury. This woman only decided to "change her story" after her sister met with the media. She found out what a good juicy story would pay and the next day, called the national enquirer and sold a story about an alleged affair with George, for $4,000.

What truly amazes me, is the fact that this jury found Casey not guilty. When forensic experts testify and DNA samples prove that little Caylee's body was decomposing in Casey's trunk, how can you find her not guilty of 1 of 3 counts. How? It was proven that Casey researched chloroform and neck breaking and spleen injury, etc. We're talking about proven facts. The jury wasn't from the area. They were chosen when the Defense claimed Casey couldn't get a fair trial. Ha, fair trial, seriously? This was all but fair for Caylee!

While this is my opinion only, I wish not to argue the facts with anyone. I will simply pray for the day that Casey has to face judgement in a higher court. That is, if Casey has much of a life after being released. I personally think she was safer in jail. She doesn't have the mentality to figure out that most know she's guilty, even if this jury failed. She committed a despicable, horrendous act of murder. Maybe someone in jail will get to her before Thursday's sentencing, maybe not. She is likely "protected" from the main population unfortunately. So, if she walks after being granted time served thursday, which is a good probability; she will have no more protection. It's in GOD's hands now, or should I say Satans because that's where Casey will end up whether it's next week, next year or 1 decade or several decades from now. Justice will someday be served.

GOD BLESS YOU CAYLEE, RIP little girl, you are NOT forgotten!

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